Veganity is a Shield
When I pass by the chocolates
That are out there, on display
Impossible not to notice
On the way
Back to my office
Freely offered,
For anyone to take
I am grateful
That I am vegan
Else I would be all over that shit
Like white on white rice
And I still got a Suit to fit into
I'm so close to fitting into that suit
I can taste it
The way I can almost taste those chocolates
That I don't want to taste
I am not vegan
For my health
Or to lose weight
Or to practice self denial
Or to postpone joy
But sometimes
Veganity* is a shield
That protects me
From myself
January 4, 2017
*I am well aware
That "veganity"
Is not a word
Veganity is expanding vocabulary, instead of your waistline.